Can anyone explain to me why so many advertisers seem to think it's okay to portray men as idiots/wimps/morons/dicks?
Example 1:
(and believe me, friends, I am loathed to share these examples, because it provides the companies concerned with more publicity than they deserve...but the point has to be made somehow).
How much of a divvy does that guy look and sound?
By the way, he doesn't know shit about playing tennis, judging from where he's standing on court!
Example 2:
Look at this utter cock - what the hell is he doing? Why does he lift up the table?
What sort of alternative universe do the advertising people behind this crock of shit actually live in? I mean, no man acts like that in a furniture store...ever! In reality, he's almost certainly there under duress, so he will always be wearing an expression which says 'Would rather be doing something... anything else. Ergo, I'm pissed off!' If he does interact with any furniture, it is only to appear to be interested and to dutifully confirm whatever it is his wife/girlfriend/mistress/partner has just said...or to check the price.
And it's not as if this approach of showing the male of the species as useless reflects well upon the fairer sex - after all, what is it suggesting about the women in these adverts when they are clearly willing to put up with such utter dorks. Take the woman at the beginning of Example 2 and the condescending shake of the head she does - it's as if she's saying 'Yes, I know he's a complete knob, but I'm so weak/pathetic/gooey-eyed-in-love-with-him that I'm willing to put up with it.'
In reality, any woman worth her salt would just tell him in no uncertain terms to stop acting like such a bloody pillock!
My thoughts on this?
Well, if advertisers are looking for their adverts to 'empower women' (which so many of these TV turds try, but fail, to do) and yet at the same time avoid offending men (which so many of these TV turds don't even try to do), then they could do a lot worse than portray a man being cooly and clinically put in his place by a woman, either by a short, cutting remark sharpened on the stone of frequent use, or simply a disapproving glare, perfected through years of repitition; it's closer to reality, and it's something to which 'real' men can definitely relate!
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