To be honest, in spite of the fact that I haven't sold a shed-load of books (so far), I am still quite proud of the sales that I've achieved and the very positive feedback I've received from people who have kindly taken the time to read 'The Book That THEY…' (Sadly, no-one seems to have either bought or read 'God, Aliens, Death & Teapots, so we'll not speak about that book, shall we).
Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that, here in the UK, there's a steady stream of people dipping their toes into the madness that is my literary world and shelling out a few of their hard-earned shekels to download copies of 'The Book That THEY…', the same cannot be said for Across-the-Pond.
As a result, my current rating on's Author Rank measure (as opposed to is moving inexorably towards a somewhat unwelcome milestone:
So what does this mean?
Well, it means that Stateside, almost one million other authors have sold at least one of their books since I last sold one of mine (which was the 12th May, 2014).
Not that it's a competition or anything…
A million though…crikey…
And not that I'm trying to make anyone in the good old US-of-A feel guilty - after all, I want people to buy my books because they know they're in for a ripping yarn, not because they feel sorry for me…
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